The Right Time for Tests
Media of Ms. Farkas-Furniss provided by Alejandro Izurieta ’25 An hour might not seem like much time, but it can make all the difference in the stressful context of exams. … Continue reading "The Right Time for Tests"
Media of Ms. Farkas-Furniss provided by Alejandro Izurieta ’25 An hour might not seem like much time, but it can make all the difference in the stressful context of exams. … Continue reading "The Right Time for Tests"
Media taken by Alejandro Izurieta ’25 Among the many new faculty here at the high school, the math department seems to have the most new members. Amy Pan, Spencer Irwin,… Continue reading "New Faces in the Math Department"
Photo of this article’s author, Nate Barkow ’25, speaking with Ms. Perry in the school halls; media provided by Alejandro Izurieta ’25 Student Self-Assessments (SSAs) were designed to be a… Continue reading "SSAs: Informative Reflections or Sources of Stress?"
Media provided by Louise Giddings ’23 Stress put on students due to rising grade standards is extremely high. Grades have become an increasingly prominent source of pressure in the lives… Continue reading "Academic Stress: A Tangible Force in Student Life"
Media taken by Alejandro Izurieta ’25 Have you ever met someone who wakes up at 2:30AM everyday? Dr. Brenner, the renowned chemist here at Grace, not only wakes up at… Continue reading "A Day in the Life of Dr. Brenner"
Media provided by Gazette Media Editors, Senior Seminar hardcover publication, designed by Liz Pollack ’22. After a year or more of hard work, seniors presented their research and writing in… Continue reading "Grace’s Newly Published Authors"
Media provided by David C. ’24. As all current sophomores and upperclassmen know, the year-round process of developing a March Madness project is no easy task. The endeavor takes months… Continue reading "Untitled: David’s Masterful Magazine"
Media provided from Mohamed Hassan, via Pixabay. By 2024, students will take the SAT digitally, leaving over a century of paper and pencils behind. Assuming College Board follows through, 9th… Continue reading "No More Bubbles: The Future of the SAT at Grace and Beyond"
Media provided by Gazette Media Staff. Before she started as the new learning specialist at the high school a month into the school year, Ms. Allyson Cerino worked many jobs… Continue reading "Meet Grace’s New Learning Specialist: Ms. Allyson Cerino"
Writing Center Sign. Media provided by Gazette Media Staff. Want to debate if one waits “in line” or “on line?” Geek out about the Oxford comma? Or just get some… Continue reading "The Return of the In-Person Writing Center: What’s Changed?"