Staff and Editorial
Editorial Staff

Nate Barkow, a senior, is an only child, food lover, and starting his 14th year at Grace. The Editor-in-Chief of The Grace Gazette, Nate is excited for his third year as a member of The Gazette team. He looks forward to bringing the Grace community closer together with superlative stories and reinvigorating The Gazette Club. Outside of school, Nate explores New York (with his Cavapoo, Lucie), plays tennis, and tries new foods, continuing his quest to try cuisine from a variety of countries (more than 25 and counting)!

Hallie Rosenzweig, a senior and Editorial Director, is returning for her third year with The Gazette. When Hallie is not in school or coordinating Good Morning Grace videos, she loves playing soccer, running, and spending quality time with friends and family. Hallie loves to explore the cuisine New York City has to offer and has a particular adoration for Thai food. This year, Hallie aims to continue developing Good Morning Grace and Grace’s creative presence on social media and beyond.

Mason Zelenko, a senior and deputy editor, leads the Grace tennis team and can often be found practicing for upcoming basketball games. He spends much of his time exploring New York City with friends. A fun fact about Mason is that his last name means “little green one” in Ukrainian. This year, Mason wants to compose an in-depth feature about the history of Grace athletics.

Cassandra Ball has been working with The Gazette since her sophomore year and is now a Deputy Editor! She brings a lively yet down-to-earth attitude to the paper. From delving into the depths of what it means to be a strongman to the facts of the TikTok ban, Cassie brings a critical lens to all she does. She loves to read, dabbling in Dostoevsky and Keegan, and likes to share her love of hope-core with her advisory family. She is also a Dylanologist, a super fan of Bob Dylan. When Cassie’s on the beat, you know the work’s complete.
Senior Writers

Elif Caliskan is a senior writer and a co-director of the Good Morning Grace video journal. When not in school, Elif likes to be active, hang out with her friends, and watch movies. Elif’s dream job is to be a movie director. This year, for The Gazette, Elif would like to enhance Good Morning Grace’s viewership and make creative content.

Ronan Kenyon ’25 is a staff writer for The Gazette. When he isn’t writing masterfully crafted articles, he enjoys the gym and Chipotle (getting brown rice, black beans, chicken, lettuce, sour cream, and cheese is a blessing to mankind). Not only is he also a 3-time pizza-eating contest winner at Pete & Elda’s Bar (or Carmen’s Pizza) in Neptune City, New Jersey, but he also has a twin brother! For The Gazette, Ronan is interested in writing about movies, co-hosting podcasts and editing them, as well as holding post-game interviews with student-athletes.

Pippa Locke ‘25 dreams of opening a gallery one day. When she is not doing school work, she likes to listen to music, go on walks, and be with family and friends. She is excited to be on The Gazette this year to continue producing GraceCast!
Student Writers

Chloe Frischman, a sophomore and a staff writer for The Gazette. enjoys spending time with her friends and baking cupcakes for her family. Her ambitions run from being an event planner to living in Paris. This year, Chloe hopes to write community profiles and do lots of interviews.

Siena Green ‘27 is a new edition to The Gazette. In her free time, Siena takes her dog on walks and photographs flowers and other nature. One of Siena’s favorite foods is strawberries and her favorite meal is breakfast. This year for The Gazette, Siena hopes to become a better writer as the year goes on and develop different perspectives and opinions about certain topics.

Blake Herman ‘27 is new to The Grace Gazette. He enjoys playing chess and doing street photography around the city. Blake loves Italian food so much; it is pretty much all he eats. This year on The Gazette, he is excited to become an advocate for the Grace community.

Serena Huber ‘27 is new to The Gazette. When she is not writing riveting pieces, you can find her listening to jazz, reading, or teaching toddlers how to ice skate. This year, for the Gazette, Serena aspires to dazzle the school by posing deep and meaningful questions and by creating content for Good Morning Grace.

Caleb Lopata ‘26 is a new reporter with a raging passion for uncovering the covered. When not at school or in the field, you can catch him hanging out with his friends and playing recreational basketball at Riverside Park. Fun fact: he is unable to sneeze just once. It has to be at least three sneezes or even more! This year for The Grace Gazette, Caleb is ready to take a deep dive into the high school’s untold stories waiting to be discovered.

Zarina Medeiros, a junior and staff writer for The Gazette, can be found outside of Grace either skiing, sewing, or on the tennis court. You will often see the Medeiros byline attached to articles breaking down national and international news reports or new policies at Grace. This semester, Zarina wants to tackle the legal world with a collection of articles on contemporary court cases.

Fiona Miller a joyous addition to The Grace Gazette, is in her second year as a staff writer, and she’s upped her game! Through her political analyses, both inside and outside of the Grace community, she’s brought a new audience to The Gazette. The positive attitude she channels in both her writing and with her fellow Gazette members has brought about a new warmhearted feel! In her off time, she loves to read, run, and gaze at art. She is a fond lover of all things art, minus most contemporary pieces. The Met often displays her favorite piece, The Storm by Pierre-Auguste Cot. Her positivity keeps The Gazette afloat!

Sally Perlman ‘26 is a first-year member of The Grace Gazette. Outside of school, she likes playing guitar, discussing films, and writing poetry. Fun Fact: Sally has had some unusual encounters, including being bitten by a bat and getting hit by a gallon of milk! This year, she hopes to enhance her writing skills and delve deeper into her passions for film and literature through her work with The Gazette.

Juliette Robertson ’25 is very excited to begin her first year with The Grace Gazette! She started drawing for articles last year and is thrilled to be officially joining The Gazette community. In her free time, she enjoys playing the guitar and biking. Her favorite food is pasta. This year, for The Gazette, she hopes to connect with the community through her drawings!

Wesley Tyson ‘26 is a new staff writer for The Grace Gazette. He has a passion for creative and critical writing, and is excited for the future of his promising career. While not being an aspiring journalist, Wes likes to travel, hang out with friends, and save kittens from trees. A fun fact about him is that he gets really anxious when coming up with fun facts, trying to sound interesting but resorting to favorite colors (that one shade of purple), old songs (“Mary had a Little Lamb”), or boring anecdotes (the attack of ‘09). He also has the bestest most amazingsauce cat, Lulu, Queen of the Fairies and devourer of souls, in the whole wide world!

Wilson Urist ‘27 is passionate about politics and history. Outside of school, he interns for the New York Democratic Party, where he has worked on numerous federal and state political campaigns across Suffolk County. His favorite movie is “The Devil Wears Prada”. This year, for The Gazette, he would like to write about civic topics in the U.S. and worldwide, and how they relate to Grace students. He is immensely excited to be joining The Gazette team, and is hyped to get involved.

Brian Reilly is the faculty advisor of the Grace Gazette. Encouraged by the prospects of the eager editors, reporters, videographers, and podcasters on the Gazette staff, Mr. Reilly knows the Journalism team will discover that the exposition of truth empowers the influencers of the future.
The Grace Gazette is produced and published by students in the Grace Church School High School Division’s journalism class. All GCS students in grades 9-12 are welcome to submit articles, photos, videos, and suggested topics. If you have questions, comments, or feedback please contact Brian Reilly or student editors/writers.
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Love the photos and the FAIR reporting on what peoole think of the new gym!