Fall Sports Playoffs Recap
This past season was successful for the majority of the fall sports teams at Grace. Three Varsity teams and two JV teams made it to the semi-finals in their leagues.… Continue reading "Fall Sports Playoffs Recap"
This past season was successful for the majority of the fall sports teams at Grace. Three Varsity teams and two JV teams made it to the semi-finals in their leagues.… Continue reading "Fall Sports Playoffs Recap"
Recently, Grace hosted the second annual Homecoming celebration, yet, an incredibly important part of the event seemed to still be missing in the minds of many students. That key aspect… Continue reading "Homecoming Week: Still Looking for Spirit"
It’s that time of year again…Homecoming season! In the week leading up to Homecoming, each day will have a exciting theme. On Thursday the 10th, the theme is Dynamic Duo… Continue reading "Homecoming Season Is Here!"
Fall sports are underway at Grace and the season has brought plenty of excitement and promise. A couple of the teams are off to great starts while others have not… Continue reading "Fall Sports: Mid-Season Review"
Starting today, Grace will add its 15th varsity team, when the Varsity Boys Volleyball team begins their inaugural season. Announced at the end of the 2017-18 school year Ms. Armijos,… Continue reading "The Newest Grace Team – Boys Volleyball"
On Tuesday, October 22, Girls Varsity Volleyball had their Senior Night. They played Brooklyn Friends in their final match of the season, and despite losing 0-3, the team played incredibly… Continue reading "Seniors Spike Senior Night"
On the Weekend of October 20th, Grace Church School’s first ever Homecoming weekend took place. Throughout the weekend, students took part in activities ranging from themed costume days to varsity… Continue reading "Homecoming Week"
The gym at the 46 Cooper Square campus is open! Students are able to take advantage of the gym during lunch and the Girls volleyball team is able to host… Continue reading "The Gym Is Open!"
This week, Grace High School is hosting our first-ever Homecoming. The week will be filled with themed days and events to raise school spirit, ending with Varsity games and a… Continue reading "Homecoming Week Starts Today"
Last year was a massive success for fall sports at Grace, filled with playoff matches, first place league finishes and plenty of hard fought games. However, this year promises to… Continue reading "Fall Sports in Progress"