Pete Hogden – Master Builder, Loving Restorer
Preface by Jiwon Simpskins ’19
I have been a student at Grace Church School for 12 years–10 at the Middle School, 2 at the High School. I remember seeing Mr. Hogden around the 86 campus countless times, yet I didn’t even know his name until Mr. Davison’s talk during chapel. After his passing I had the chance to appreciate his work for the school, and after recognizing the immense impact he had, I felt simply stupid for being so oblivious to his presence. His office was underground, beneath Tuttle Hall, but his work was felt throughout the entire building. From Mr. Davison’s and Reverend Waring’s obituary it is clear that Mr. Hogden was nothing short of a hero for this school, and it would be morally wrong were his work not acknowledged. His sacrifice for this school is something that I may have overlooked at the time, but in light of his unfortunate passing, I hope that the entire Grace Community can be grateful for what Mr. Hogden did for all of us. Below is the obituary co written by Mr. Davison and Revered Waring that was published in the New York Times.
Peter Hogden was the facilities manager of Grace Church and Grace Church School from 2002 until his unexpected passing at the age of 54 on March 30. Pete was a master builder and loving restorer of a historic school and a national historic landmark church that are both central to the history of New York City. He set to work every day to ensure that the spaces were not only beautiful but that children could cavort through them joyfully and on weekends congregants could enjoy them reverently. Above all it had to be safe. Pete accomplished incredible feats to make it all happen.
We live better at Grace because of Pete, but that is not the full measure of the man. He was a human being with a strong spirit. He understood the people on his team and cared for them. He was a strong hand when needed and a helping hand when required. His team knew that he stood for them and with them. St. Paul said, “The greatest of these is love.” Pete was the epitome of that love in its fullest sense. He will be missed, but whenever anyone looks left, right, up or down at Grace, he will be remembered.
Prior to his work at Grace, Pete was the construction superintendent for the firm of Scorcia and Diana, and earlier in his career, proudly served as Lead Quartermaster in the United States Navy from 1981-1985.
He is survived by his wife Sissel, three children John Paul, Arne and Randi, and his brother Steve Hogden and sister Carla Hogden Retnauer.
Services will be April 20, 4pm at Grace Church, 802 Broadway, New York, NY. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests a donation be made to either The Go Project, 50 Cooper Sq., or Team Norway, c/o Sissel Hogden, 115 Ridge Court
Saylorsburg, PA 18353.
Rev. J. Donald Waring, Rector of Grace Church and George P. Davison, Head of Grace Church School