Love and Dating at Grace

In a student’s high school years, it is common to test out the waters of relationships. Whether it is a long-term thing or a short-lived fling, there is always love and dating in high school. Here at the High School, there are a plethora of budding romances and many instances young love. Though this is true, romance and relationships are evident during high school. It is widely known that a lot of students in high school are going to go down this path, but in this day and age, the connectivity of these relationships is unmatched.

In 2018, teenage couples can quickly and easily contact each other on their phones through text messages or social media platforms. A lot of the social life of a student these days is online and through heavily used apps like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. This ability that couples have to always be in contact with each other greatly changes the experience that high school students have within their relationships. Now even though this may seem great for these relationships, there are not only pros to the connectivity but some cons. Here is what the Grace High School students had to say.


“It is nice because when one of us is out of town or we cannot hang out for some reason we can still converse through our phones. Not gonna lie though, sometimes I don’t have time to get my work done.” Luke Morris ‘19

“Far too much time is spent staring at your phone and when texting becomes your main form of communication some things are misunderstood. It takes away from a face to face conversation because through text you don’t have to see the other person’s reaction or the consequences of what is being said.” Jiwon Simpkins ‘19

“I think it’s good because high schoolers are barely communicating with one another in person and digitally we communicate a lot more. There are some cons though because without the face-to-face conversation you lose the intimacy and natural connection. I like how I can hit up anyone I want at any given moment, but I do like in-person conversations.” Charlotte Spohler ‘19

“It puts pressure on people’s relationships and your relationships should not be defined by how much you are in contact with each other. I have found that I am not very good at communicating constantly and nowadays people think that shows I am not into them. I feel that it is more about the quality of the time we spend together not the quantity.” Diana Michaelis ‘19

“We don’t text that often just because we see each other a lot. We don’t really find the point in suffocating the other member of the relationship through text because we see one another in school and out all the time. Texting is not essential, unless it’s important. Honestly I text my grandma more than I text Elliot.” Kayla Diaz ‘19 & Elliot Tiemann ‘19

“Social media and constant communication creates a different social dynamic than a personal connection face to face. A more disgenuinuous connection.” Nathan McCarthy ‘19

“Communication is key in a relationship and the fact that we have the ability to always chat with our significant other is great because it’s important. If you are gonna use your phone facetime is great because things can get misconstrued through text message.” Kaitlyn Major-Hale ‘19

“It’s a good thing because if you need them you can talk to them. It is an accessible and easy way to vent your feelings if need be.” Lucas Rivera ‘21

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