How Will the Coronavirus Affect the 2020-21 School Year?
In the midst of this pandemic, there still remains uncertainty about a possible second wave of the outbreak hitting the U.S in a few months. The impact that this could have on the 2020-21 school year is still unknown. According to CDC director Robert Redfield, the second wave of the virus predicted to hit this winter, “will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through.” As a school located in the epicenter of the coronavirus, it is likely that next year’s school year will look different from what we are typically used to.
Discussion has been circulating amongst New York City independent schools regarding plans for the reopening in the coming school year. When asked about his prediction, Mr. Davison shared what he envisions the beginning of the 2020-21 school year to look like: “Our hope for next year is that we will start right about on time, however, not everyone is going to feel comfortable coming to school.”
Due to the diversity of thought and experience in our population, it will likely be a while until all members of the Grace community feel comfortable returning to school in person. However, in the meantime, the students and teachers who prefer to stay quarantined for their safety will be able to, “participate with the rest of the class on zoom.” As of now, Mr. Davison is hopeful that by the fall, around 80-90% of the Grace community will be able to return to in-person school.
Should we return to school in September, some modifications will be made to our daily routine. Mr. Davison announced that we will be wearing masks.“2,000 Grace masks were ordered and will be passed out to students and faculty,” he stated. This change will definitely take some getting used to, however, it is necessary in order to keep the Grace environment as safe as possible.

In the event that a second wave of the coronavirus outbreak were to hit upon our return to regular school, Mr. Davison shared that “we will be ready at that point to jump right back into remote learning.”
As it has now been about two months since the start of remote learning, the Grace community has gotten used to this adjustment. If necessary in the 2020-21 school year, the transition to online learning should be smoother than it was this year, now that we have the experience.