GraceCast Episode 20: Criminal Justice Policy Reform with Rachel Barkow
Career Day highlights the array of careers within the community of Grace parents, asking them what they love about their jobs and hopefully provide high schoolers with some inspiration and guidance when considering their future. For the second episode of the series, Ava is joined by Rachel Barkow, a law professor at NYU who teaches and writes about criminal law issues and criminal reform. She has served as a member of the US sentencing commission and continues to work on ways in which we can enact policies that diminish racial disparities in the time of mass incarceration. She is also the author of Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration.

Ms. Barkow has kindly invited students who are interested in learning more about her career to reach out to her at
Listen to Episode 20: Criminal Justice Policy Reform with Rachel Barkow