Comedy Show Tonight: “A Night with Barbra Streisand”
This afternoon the Stand-Up Comedy Club will hold their second performance at 4:20 in the auditorium. I spoke with Jonah Henkle and Emmett Hawkins of the 12th grade about the performance and the work that’s behind it. Emmett described the jokes as an eclectic “pack of skittles; there is no overarching theme.” He described the stand up routines as, “Observational comedy that has taken months to perfect and gather from different life experiences.” The club has been working tirelessly to workshop these jokes coming from both new members of the club and club leaders who have done it before. Jonah added, “Regardless of the time spent as a member, we have all worked hard and have been dedicated to making and perfecting these routines.” Come and watch this hilarious performance at 4:20 in the high school auditorium. In addition to the witty comedy presented by Matthew Francoeur ‘21, Joslyn Gray ‘21, Ian Vicars-Harris ‘21, Kumare Vulcain-Sowkey ‘21, Julianna Alonso ‘18, and Jonah Henkle ‘18, there will also be free snacks.