A Change of Scenery: The Magic of the Senior Commons

Media Provided by Sophia Smith ’25

Being the oldest kid in the school comes with a series of perks like the power to influence the school culture, take on leadership roles in the community, and study, chat, or bask in the Senior Commons. 

The students of the class of 2025 are currently juniors, and now that the seniors have left the Grace halls, the juniors are the oldest grade in the school.  With the seniors graduating, the juniors have taken over their new commons, enjoying the comfortable furniture and view of Cooper Union. The class of 2025 has been staying later at school and taking many more naps in this new treasured space. 

What is so special about the senior commons? How have they impacted Grace’s future seniors?

Napping on a couch in the commons during lunch, Vivienne S. ‘25 described her top three favorite things about the senior commons: “the couches which are good for sitting on and taking a nap,” “the proximity to Ms. Chan’s office,” and “natural light.” 

She also distinguished the Senior Commons from the commons for other grades, stating that “[in] past years, commons were not discernible. This one is very obviously a space for people to hang out.” 

Media provided by Sophia Smith ’25

Joaquin A. ‘25, seated nearby working on his homework, was also enjoying the new space.  His three favorite aspects of the new commons are “better furniture,” the fact that “the grade has gotten closer,” and that “people actually talk to each other. It doesn’t feel as cliquey.” 

He recalled from his underclassmen years that “there were two groups in the commons and there wasn’t much talking between them.” Now that the class of ‘25 has moved to the new space, “more people sit together because it’s just one space where everyone can be together.” Joaquin added, “Last year I wouldn’t be talking with as many people in general.” 

Part of being a senior is becoming closer as a grade and bringing together the Grace community as a whole by setting the tone of the school and serving as role models to the younger grades.  A major source of this connection is the Senior Commons. Whether it is the couches, the proximity to the beloved Ms. Chan, or the seating that invites all into a conversation, the Senior Commons has brought together the Class of ‘25 in a new way, even if they have only resided there for a couple weeks.  
Sophia Smith ‘25, the author, is a staff writer for The Grace Gazette.